The Best Foods for February

Jim Fain

Posted on October 30 2017

Picture of cup with vegetable soup in itThis is the time of the year for hearty foods!

Acorn, Butternut, Hubbard and Spaghetti squash is plentiful and cheap as are root veggies such as parsnips, potatoes and carrots.

Storing them in a cool yet dry area at home will keep them fresh for a long time. Preparing them for the table is easy and the finished product is not only tasty but also chock full of vitamins and minerals. Acorn and Butternut are just a little higher in nutrition than some of the other varieties of squash but all are a treasure trove.

I’m a strong advocate of choosing foods that match the season but making simple yet scrumptious soup out of any veggie goes great with heavier food and cold days.

Vegetable Soup Recipe for Winter Strength

This soup is fresh not canned and amazingly easy to make..

Try using 2 crowns of broccoli per serving along with 10 ounces of liquid (can be water or chicken broth) and cook at a low heat till soft. Pour the contents into a blender and slowly pulse then liquefy. Correct the seasoning with a little salt or fresh ground pepper. If you want to get a little fancy add a couple of tablespoons of butter and a splash of cream. Getting really fancy would be to run the blended mash through a strainer to refine the consistency. I usually don’t do that as I find it unnecessary for flavor and texture. Unstrained, you get a heartier version and the benefit of the whole veggie.

Try this recipe with all sorts of different veggies like squash both hard or soft, cauliflower and potatoes. If you have grilled your peppers from summer or soft squash (yellow or zucchini) before cooking in the broth it adds a delicious flavor. To notch up a little more, reserve a small amount of the veggie from the stock pot before blending. Chop and add back when ladling to the serving bowl. Sprinkle some shredded cheese on top.

Stay in season and shop local organic

Staying in season, local to your area is a good thing to do.

Local foods are fresher and reflect what we have to deal with here in our little part of heaven. Remember, taking vitamin D and a quality probiotic daily is scientifically supported to make winter a healthier season.

Cheers to February health!

– Dr. Fain

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